What About Your Soul?
What about your soul? In my “Hang On” post, I spoke about our 3 boxes – flesh, spirit and soul. We attend church to feed our spirits, we know that we should not listen to our flesh, but what are we doing to care of and develop, nurture and heal our souls? In this day and age, we live such fast-paced lives. And this can cause us to miss some really important things in our lives. In addition to that, we put others – almost everybody before ourselves and when we run out of time in the day, month and then the year, we still have not done the things we wanted to do for ourselves. Then time continues on and over time we get used to “doing without” and to add insult to injury, as Christians, the religion demon tells us that we should “give” to others before “giving” to ourselves, especially if someone else needs too! This can cause great damage to our souls that goes unnoticed until something tragic happens.
So, I beg to differ. I feel it’s a sin not to take care of yourself first, especially, when the desire or motivation to do so does not come from the demon of selfishness. With that being said, with all that you have to take care of, are you taking care of your soul?
The Bible talks about it in Romans 12:2 (cev). Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him Here God tells us to stop acting like the world and immediately start the process of changing the way that you think. Whatever the subject, and how you feel or think about it, you still have to find out what God thinks about it and then change your mind to line up with God’s mind. This is the process of renewing your mind and then your soul can start its healing.
The soul contains your mind, your will and your emotions and all of them have to be aligned with God’s mind, will and emotions. Your spiritual growth depends on this, because this growth is determined by how much your soul has been healed by the Word of God. Once you were born again, your spirit was transformed into the image of God, but your soul was not. That part is up to you – 3 John 1:2 – 2 Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]. If you don’t renew your mind, you hinder yourself from experiencing the full power and life that a renewed soul commands. Your soul determines your actions and behaviors, and you will only step out in the things that you believe.
How many times have your thoughts about yourself or a situation stop you from doing something you really wanted to do? Did you hear thoughts like – you’re not good enough, you’re not tall enough, pretty enough, smart enough, black enough, white enough, small enough or big enough? If you are anything like me, you’ve heard this many, many times. You probably heard it today!
As you can see in Psalms 139: 14-16 (msg) Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day, during his time of praise with God, David was able to see how awesomely he was made. You are awesome too! You are wonderfully made by the hand of God. If no one else has told you today, you’re smarter than you know you are. You’re big enough, small enough, tall enough. You are brilliant because you were personally made by God and it gave Him great pleasure to create you! Anything and anyone telling you anything different is simply lying to you! Don’t believe them, believe God!
Now you have a decision to make. Are you going to believe what God says about you, or are you going to believe what others are saying about you? How would the quality of your life change if you just chose to believe God? Hmm-mm, take a minute to think about that!. Let me help you out. Joyce Meyer has the best material in the business called “The Battlefield of the Mind”. It comes in many forms – books, DVDs, CDs and workbooks to help you achieve victory. So whatever way you like to learn, you can get it. This process is not quick work. It will take a lot of time, commitment, dedication, and perseverance. However, if done properly, it will be effective and very powerful! You are worth the work!
Again I ask you – what about your soul?
Great Post! I’m def a witness to putting others’ needs before myself or even having bought into a silly notion or inference that I wasn’t good enough to have/be/do xyz. Then having my soul all the way jacked b/c now I can’t trust people or even myself! That was then, though. Now, I can say God’s definitely done and is still doing a good work in me and healing those broken areas of my soul as I submit to Him and trust Him in how to deal with various situations; including the situations that involve the annoying people that just don’t get it! –I’m still in process =)
I love this post because, although we say and hear Rom 12:2 about renewing our minds, it’s so helpful that you bring it down to the simplest definition of, “Renewing Your Mind = Bring situation to God. Ask God what He thinks about it. Submit and do what He says (Change your mind to think what He thinks).” I think the best part about this is that it’s still not about our works! All the answers we need are right there in God who’s [always] with us. And when we consult Him, there’s no reason for us to break a sweat, if we just do what He says! #EasyYoke #LightBurden