Can You Handle The Truth?

Can you handle the truth?  What truth you may be asking?  The truth about you?  The whole truth, and nothing but the truth about you?

Face Your TruthA lot of what we know about ourselves that we don’t like, we choose to try to hide from others if we can.  If we can’t hide it, maybe something like a bad temper, or bad spending habits, we choose to justify it as a character defect, right?  We say things like; that’s just the way I am or I can’t help it & people have to accept me the way that I am.  Have you heard any of these excuses before?  Have you used any of them yourself?

The truth is some of us are in complete denial about the “not so nice” truths about ourselves.  No matter how many times or ways it’s brought to our attention, we continue to deny them.  Isn’t it time we stop lying to ourselves?  You can never free yourself from something you can’t admit is holding you hostage in the first place. That being said, a great place to start is simply by asking God the truth about you, accept that truth, then work with God to free you from the bad truth as you build up your good truths.

Lately, we’ve been hearing the term “be your authentic self”, so people can feel free to decide who and how they want to be. This may sound good in theory, but how are we equip to make such decisions when we did not create ourselves?  I know I don’t have all the answers to why people choose to live the way that they do, but I do know who does have all those answers and that’s our Creator – God!  Since he’s our manufacturer who wrote the manual on our lives that’s where we all should go to seek every answer we need to live that life.  I didn’t create a hammer and no matter what I do with that hammer I can’t change a hammer into anything else. I may use it to dig up dirt but that doesn’t turn that hammer into a shovel. I can use the shovel to drive in a nail but that doesn’t turn that shovel into a hammer. Here’s my point, only the manufacturer determines the true purpose for the thing that he created, no matter what others may want to use it for or do with it.

Why am I saying all of this? I am saying that if you want to know what you were meant to do and what you were made for and what you were made of, only God can give you those answers.

The Bible makes it clear in Galatians 5:22 – 23 what God has deposited in us: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness,23 gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. But we are well aware of that Satan makes his contributions into us after we were created, after we have left the factory.  How we handle that Satan’s attacks play a big part in who we become.  God is well aware of what Satan has done and is doing to you and He has already prepared a path to get you back to him! Yeah! However you have to be committed to finding that path.

As you can see, you are combination of the spirit God made and put into a physical container so that you can exist on the earth + Satan’s attacks against you + the environment you were sent or born into + your reaction to all three.  Here’s a free nugget for you: your purpose for being here on earth is directly tied to where God has placed you in the earth and God knew exactly where He wanted you to be placed, no matter what it looks like and feels like to you.

Satan has been successful in making sure some very horrible things have happened to many people on this planet. Some of these things may have been horrific (sexual abuse, no family, poverty, etc.) and some may have been extremely subtle (some small things that are not evident but we just can’t seem to shake).  Either way here’s another truth that we have to accept,  all of us have to deal with Satan and his shenanigans. But the good news is, God has already paved the way for you and Him to partner up, giving you control over Satan and every demon working for him!  This is another truth that you have to accept to take your life into the successful direction God has already prepared for you.

Can You Handle The TruthYour goal in life has to be to use that control as instructed in Romans 12:2 amp (And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be [a]transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you]) to renew your mind in order to line up with God so He can help you shed the things of Satan and all demonic control and build up the great things He already put on the inside of you!  This will make your life awesome and once you get the process down, you can now go and help someone else do it for themselves!  Go head wit you cha bad self!  Tellin my age huh?  OK, I’ll stop. lol

So, can you handle the truth? With God’s help, of course you can!


  • Suzette FOWLKES


  • Clarence Sellers Jr

    This was awesome!!! this is what I needed to hear!!! Thank you.

  • Clarence Sellers Jr

    my first reply was a god one but since i’ve read again, i’ve cometo hte conclusion that i really need Gode to tell me the truth about myself so that i won’t live in a fantasy that i’ve made for myself through the enemy. I really needed this to acually move forward with myself and for the people that’s attached to my purpose. Thank you, Pastor Karen.