The Grass is NOT Greener on the Other Side!

Why is it that people think that the grass is greener in someone else’s backyard?  Why is it when people peer & peek into someone else’s life, they think that person’s life has something that they don’t have & can’t get?  Why do we even desire to be a voyeur into someone else’s business?  Could it be that green-eyed monster at work?

We see this behavior all the time in our own lives, but we are probably more willing to admit that we see it in the lives of others.  People seem to like comparing themselves to their perception of someone else.  The demon involved does a good job at getting us to view the lives of others as better than we view our own life.  We really do it when it comes to the lives of celebrities or anyone we see that we think is more successful than us.  Crazy right?  We don’t even know those people.  We don’t know how they live or what they are dealing with. But, because they seem to have more “stuff” than us or their “stuff” looks better than our “stuff” they must be better.  It’s like we view these people as “super” humans or something.

Remember the song “I Wish” by Skee-lo?  Click here if you’ve never heard it or just need a gentle reminder.  The song is about a guy who doesn’t seem to be happy with what he has so he sings about all the things he wishes he had.  Then and only then can he be happy.  This song came out in 1995 and I remember it so vividly because I too wished I had some things that I thought would make my life better.  I was short, skinny & I didn’t have any boobs.  I didn’t think I was pretty & I didn’t view myself as attractive.  So this song became the anthem of my life.  Now, by this time I had been married, had my share of the men I wanted, had 3 kids, and was living a good life. But in spite of all of that, I still was holding onto this “I wish” list that I had since I was a child.  And it was keeping me from really enjoying the things I did have. This is the danger of focusing too long & too much on all the things we don’t have.  It was robbing me of the gift God gives us everyday – the present!

I know what you’re thinking, there are some things in your life that you want to change.  You want a better job, maybe a spouse or a better one (smile), a better car, more money, etc.  I get that.  There are things in my life too that I want & I feel that having them would improve the quality of my life.  So let’s talk about it a little more.

Let’s check our motives.  Why do you and I really want these things?  Who told us that having them would make our lives better?  Have you ever asked yourself these questions?  Do you want these things because you see others with them?  Do you want these things so you can brag about having them?  Do you want these things so you can feel better about yourself?  Do you want these things because you need to feel you are better than other people?  Are you being possessed or influenced by jealousy?  Are you a hater?  Is it that you don’t want to see someone with something that you don’t already have?  That’s where I used to be.  I didn’t mind that others had “stuff”, I just wanted to have it first. If you’re in this anywhere, be very careful because following the lead of this demon is very dangerous.  The bible tells us to walk in love in 1 Corinthians 13:4 (amp); Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily .  It’s dangerous for a few reasons, but one reason is because once you open the door to this demon, you don’t get to choose who comes with him.  Demons never travel alone.

Now, if your motives are pure & sincere, there is nothing wrong with wanting a better life.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve the lives of others.  God tells us in His word in Jeremiah 29:11 (cev); I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering, that He wants the best for us and that His plans for us are great.  God just wants you to love Him as much as He loves you. God wants your company.  God wants to protect you.  Check out what God says in Matthew 6:33 (amp); But seek ([a]aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness ([b]His way of doing and being right), and then all these things [c]taken together will be given you besides..

Grass is NOT Greener So, here’s my suggestion to you.  Go to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to teach you how to believe in yourself, just as you are right now.  Ask Him to show you how to build yourself up, taking what’s good about you & making it better.  Then once that plan is done and you are working it, ask the Holy Spirit to help you tear down the bad things in you; to destroy them.  Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you how to tap into God’s power so it flows through you like a river.  This way you can finally experience how great you truly are in Christ!

You are so special & unique to God, tap into that.  God put things in you that are in no one else.  Once you begin to discover & uncover those things, do what you need to in order to develop, nurture and grow them.  Also remember, you are not alone in this quest.  God has sent many angels, in spirit & human form, to help you along the way and they are just waiting for you!

So, the next time you find yourself tempted to look over someone else’s fence at their grass, remember to stop and water your own grass!