• It’s Our Birthday – Happy Birthday To Us!!!!

    Happy birthday to WorkDatWord!  Thank you Jesus!  I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since we started this site.  As they say, time sure fly’s when you’re having fun. LOL.

    This would not have been possible without God and His pushing me into what He had planned for my life.  You see, I had my own plan for my life but this was not in my plan.  I’m so glad that I obeyed Him!  God told me what to do, how to do it & helped every step of the way & we are both proud of the outcome!  Happy birthday to Us!

    I also want to say “thanks so much” to our faithful readers & supporters!  We have had great responses & support from all over the world!  I know we are still small but we are reaching people & being a blessing to them – just as God intended!  Happy birthday to Us!

    When I started this a year ago, I had no experience with blog creation & writing.  I had no idea where this would take me or what kind of impact, if any, it would have, but I was determined to hold onto God’s hand & walk this out with Him! Now look at us – Happy Birthday To Us!  Now people are asking me to help them start their own site!  Look at God!

    That’s what “walking by faith” is.  God tells you something & once you say “yes” to it, you then continue to ask God questions in order to get some direction.  When God?  How God?  What time God?  Who’s going to help me God?  As you get the answers, you begin to take steps, one foot in front of the other.  No matter how small the steps, you use your faith to propel yourself forward into action.  James 2:26 (amp); For as the human body apart from the spirit is lifeless, so faith apart from [its] works of obedience is also dead; makes this perfectly clear.  People work this scripture all the time with their carnal issues but when it comes to the things of the spirit (God) we act like we are paralyzed.  That’s because demonically we are paralyzed – by fear!

    WorkDatWord (WDW) was created & developed to help you regain the use of your spiritual limbs by cutting the head of the demonic things that have kept you paralyzed for so long.  Once free you can now live the “no excuse” life intended.  You can now complete your assignment – the one you were sent to Earth to do.  God told us in Genesis 1:26 (amp); God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth; that we were given the power to take control over everything in the earth that would ever try to control us.  We say we know this, but is it evident in how you currently live?

    WDW has been & will continue to be a great tool & resource (especially as we grow) to help you get started in putting the Word of God to practical everyday use.  It will also help to keep God’s Word alive & working in every area of your life.  Please continue to take advantage of that.  Please continue to tell others about us too!

    Happy Birthday ContestNow it’s our birthday & to celebrate we want to give you some gifts!  Go to our events page for more details!

    Thank You Jesus!  Thank you supporters!  Happy Birthday to Us!

  • Great News!!!!!!

    Dear Family & Friends,

    As you may already know, in order fulfill the purpose of God on my life, God has directed me into full time ministry. Out of that direction, Real Life International Ministries (RLIM) has been born, yeah!  This is an amazing opportunity for Bruce and I to step out on faith to start this new ministry.  This is not a church, (we have enough of them), but a people/community based ministry.  Our goal is to bring God into the lives of people in a more direct & dynamic manner.

    1. Vision – To see the transformational power of God in the daily lives of people.
    2. Mission – To use our ministry programs to connect people to God on a practical, personal level.
    3. Impact – In direct response to the violence in our city, we are committed to showing people how to replace choices that bring death (crime, addictions, illiteracy, etc.), with choices that bring life (employment, education, business opportunities, etc.).

    Just like you, RLIM wants to help our families, friends, churches and communities to rebuild, grow, develop, prosper & be safe so that they can operate and flourish the way God designed.  Just like you, RLIM has been called by God to be a part of that process!  Here’s how we plan to do just that:

    1. Personal 1 on 1 Deliverance Coaching and Mentorship – while you’re out saving the world, who is saving you?
    2. Online Spiritual Training & Supportworkdatword.com, Podcasts, Video Blogs, etc.
    3. Group Conferences & Leadership Training – Topical meetings, ministry leader training, workshops, etc.
    4. Community Based Programs – empowerment training for at risk youth via project Lighthouse; partnerships to offer support to existing community programs; become resource hub for the community, etc.

    RLIM is currently in Pre-Launch phase and we want to give you an opportunity to give your financial support.  There are many costs associated with bringing this ministry to life.  Our goal is to raise the $5000.00 needed to cover all pre-launch expenses without debt by September 30th.  We’re asking at least fifty of our friends to give a minimum of $100.00 or the best gift possible to enable us to be better prepared for our official launch in October 2014. We cannot do this without you!

    Please make checks payable to Karen Nichols and mail donations to:

    Real Life International Ministry

    P.O. Box 56081

    Philadelphia, PA 19130

    You can also donate via PayPal by using my email address – knicent@gmail.com. Simply log-in to your on PayPal account, go to your account overview page, then click on “send money to a friend”, put in my email address & follow the instructions.

    Thank you so much in advance for your gift of love. Bruce & I truly appreciate it!

  • POWER & Life Group 3

    If you don’t already belong to a “Life Group”, then you should try to find a good one.  Ask God and He’ll direct you to one.  We would love for you to try ours to get a firsthand feel for what it’s all about.  It’s the quickest way to connect with people who believe and want the same things as you do.

    Churches use life or cell groups in order to stay connected to its congregation; to effectively know what’s going on with its members so that they can serve them more efficiently. For example, let’s say someone needs food, but doesn’t really know anyone at the church and they find their situation embarrassing and are fearful of speaking out. By the time someone finds out, calls the church, and that message gets into the proper hands, the person could have starved to death.  Within a life group, the same person now knows at least one other person. They see each other in church and at the life group meetings, hear others share their problems, and know that the life group environment is strictly confidential so they soon relax, open up and share.  In this way, a person can tell at least the life group leader that they need food. That leader now reaches out to the life group members discreetly about one of their members’ need, and the members come together and meet the need without revealing who the member is. If the need is bigger than the group can handle, the life group leader contacts the church and the church takes care of the need.

    In addition to helping with a  member’s carnal/natural needs, life groups help members apply the Word of God to their daily lives. For example, how to determine God’s purpose for your life, how to live right, how to pray, etc.

    I’ve led many types of groups and ministries over the last 15 years and there is a common thread among them all.  People want the things God promises in the bible for themselves, their families, their churches and their communities. As a result of that, I love bringing resources to people that will bless and enhance their God experience while making it practical and usable. Sooooo, I invited Rev. James Canada, Leader and co-creator of the POWER Ministry, to speak at one of our Life Group meetings.

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    POWER stands for “Powerful Overcoming Warriors Experiencing Restoration” and it explains what they do.  The ministry was started due to the great need people had to free themselves from whatever binds them – any addiction, drugs, food, people, etc. And since you fight spiritual problems with spiritual weapons, the POWER ministry shows you how to do that and walks you through it.

    The topic for that evening was “Fellowship – You were formed for God’s Family” and I wanted Rev. Canada to connect that to the POWER ministry and speak to what it really means to be a part of God’s Kingdom and how ministry is supposed to support families and family related issues and concerns.

    As we all know all too well, Satan attacks our families in every way that he can. He doesn’t care about attacking our money, our children, our jobs, our relationships, and takes advantage of the fear and insecurities we carry around.  However, we serve a God that has already provided weapons to defeat every attack, every time, keeping our families strong and intact.

    The bible tells us in Isaiah 54:17 that no weapon formed against us shall prosper… but many people don’t know how to work this scripture when the pressure is on and high in their lives. They give into the emotional component of the situation and this can be very distracting. Decisions made in an emotional state may not be the best or get you the results you really need and want. The good news is you don’t have to attempt to do this by yourself. So come on out to the POWER Ministry meetings and to our Life Group meetings to learn how. For those of you who have used this scripture to ensure victory over some tragedy, please tell us about that too!


  • ALC Life Groups Rocks!

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    Last Tuesday night (March 11th) was our first Authentic Life Church’s  (ALC) Life Group meeting! Yeah!

    We launched 4 separate meetings across the city in various locations. Our church is only 5 months old and it’s amazing to see how it’s growing! Our God is faithful. Our meeting was held in a room the church rented at a CDC facility in our community.

    But, what’s a Life Group? A Life Group is a small group of people who gather regularly to support each other and enjoy common interests. They are known by various names: Growth groups, Connect Groups, Core Groups, Cell Groups, Home Groups or Fellowship Groups.  You may know them by one of those names.

    Christian Churches use these groups to not only teach the Word of God, but to also foster more personal relationships amongst its members. Inside these groups members help each other take the Word of God and use it in their daily lives to create success and to weather storms.

    In regular church services, the number of people, combined with time constraints, makes it impossible to have an interactive format,  or answer individual questions or concerns. In addition, the Pastor or Leader can’t personally get to know everyone in the congregation. However, in small groups, the level of intimacy is much higher so people can dig deeper into what the Word of God means and how they can use it on a daily basis. Thus bringing God alive in your life, not only on Sundays.

    This concept is quickly replacing the standard “mid-week” church service due to its higher level of efficiency and effectiveness in caring for people. People now feel connected to something bigger than themselves and a part of something meaningful.

    Life Groups also help people discover and develop their gifts, talents and hobbies into successful businesses. They can share ideas for community projects and the group’s operational needs. As people get more involved, their gifts, talents and skills get used, developed and expanded. For example, in one of the small groups I belonged to, someone who liked to tinker on the computer volunteered to help create a newsletter about the group. That newsletter was seen by many other people and that led to paid gigs. A new business was born! I have many testimonies like them from former members of our group. We also got involved in our surrounding community by feeding the homeless, adopting a woman’s shelter and many other projects like  supporting the businesses of the members who already had businesses in our community. We became a family!

    The goal of the ALC Life Groups is the do the same thing. To first provide love, support and fellowship for its members and their families. Secondly, to invite people in the surrounding area who are not yet saved and those who are saved, but don’t have a church home.

    At our first meeting last night, we had an engineer who sings like a songbird, a hair salon owner who lives across the street from our meeting location, an executive director of a facility for the mentally impaired, an author, and many others. We also had people on every level of spiritual development from the not saved yet to folks who have been saved for years! All hanging out together eating the Word of God together and having fun while doing it. We even ended the night by doing some line dancing. Check us out!


    Thanks So Much!

    I want to thank some of  my great friends who helped make our night great: James, Kisha, Tina, Darnetta, Lisa, Anettra, Damon, Susan, Willis, Sara, Shewanda and Krystal.  I want to thank my great husband Bruce for his unselfish love and support and I want to thank the best Pastor in the world, Pastor Lester Brown who supports and pushing us to live our best Purpose Driven Life. Thanks to everyone who attended and I’m so looking forward to seeing you all next week!

    Come check out our Life Group! We will be meeting for the next 7 Tuesdays, from 7 – 8:30pm @ the Greater Brewerytown CDC, on the corner of 30th & Master Streets, Philly. See you there. For more information simply reply/subscribe to this post.

  • Breaking News!!!

    Breaking News!:

    This is the official announcement of our ministry website. As you can see its called “WorkDatWord”. Yeah!!!!!
    The name helps explain what we do. We assist people in breaking free using the Word of God as we get God involved in your everyday life.  People have real life issues – like lack of jobs, money, emotional issues, health issues and if you know like I do, just going the church on Sunday is not enough. People need a confidential place to deal with their issues that’s effective & powerful. They also need a place to develop their spirits as they discover their purpose and God’s specific plan for their lives. While you’re out saving the world, who’s saving you?
    So please help me put the word out about our new website by passing along this email and doing the following:
    1. Go to www.workdatword.com. Subscribe to the site and automatically receive each new update. Under the fabulous picture slides and to the right of the first article you’ll see a header that reads “Subscribe to WDW via Email.”  Please put your email address in there and click the subscribe button. You will receive a confirmation link in your email.  Click and confirm. You will then be taken to a page that will tell you that your subscription has be activated. When an update gets delivered to your email, open it and click on the title of the post.  The helps me out by adding you as an official visitor to the blog.
    2. Make comments on the articles/posts.  No comment is too short–even one word responses.  Comments get conversations going and attracts more visitors and activity to the site.  It also lets me know your thoughts and helps with future articles/posts.
    3. Post the articles/posts on social media. Please help promote WorkDatWord! Under each article you will see the “Share This” feature that will take you directly to your social media site once you click on one of the buttons. You can then add your comment and a link to our site will be posted with your comment on your page for your friends to see.  You can also use email to share the articles/posts you like.The site has been configured for mobile phones and tablets. So you can visit the site from anywhere. It’s been set up to be very interactive so check it out.Great things will happen if each of you go to the site and start blowing it up! If each of you told the people you know and they go to the site lives would truly be changed forever! That is going to be awesome!

    These quick and small gestures can help expand our ministry and bless a lot of people.

    In addition, we are having a Launch Party to set the site off right! So come on out to celebrate with us. It will be on the first night of our church’s Life Group meetings:

    Authentic Life Church Life Group Bible Study

    BreweryTown CDC; 3000a W. Master Street; (on the corner of 30th & Master Streets)

    Philly, 19121

    Tuesday, March 4th from 7 – 9 pm – Due to an expected snow storm, the date has been moved to March 11, 2014.

    Thanks in advance for your help & support! And if you’re coming to our Launch Party, please RSVP so we can have an accurate count. We’ll see you there!


  • Welcome to WorkDatWord!!!!

    WorkDatWord was designed & created to show you how to bring a real God into your real life like you never seen before!

    Where do I start? You’ve got bills right? God knows that & He wants them paid in full!

    Need a better job or are you unemployed?  God wants you to have the job of your dreams!

    Looking for someone to love or do you want someone to love you? God does not want you to be alone.  This is what God says about it:

    Psalms 37:4 (amp): Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.

    You’ve got big dreams, right? or at least you had some. Who do you think gave them to you? Where do you think they came from?  God planted/unloaded that info into you because He has great plans for your life!  Come on now – you don’t think you just popped up on earth by chance, do you?  You are not a happenstance.  You are not a mistake. 

    God loves you and is concerned about everything that concerns you! He wants your life to be fun, exciting & powerful – everything you want it to be and so much more!

    So whatever challenges and obstacles you face please know that solution is found in the Word of God.  He is right here with you and now so are we!

    What do you think about that? Ready to start bring a Real God to Your Real Life?